You may be an outdoor enthusiast and you look to start your own outdoor gear business. You may be a retail brand owner looking to expand your product line. You may be a sport games organizer sourcing products as gifts for your participants. Regardless of who you are, you now look for a waterproof bag factory, and you are probably already overwhelmed, or will sooner be overwhelmed, by the sheer number of factories out there.
Finding a factory that you can trust and build a long-term relationship with is a difficult task, and if you found an unreliable one, your business could be hindered for many years. Luckily, there are several factors that can help you distinguish a trustworthy factory and make a decision that will make a significant impact on your business. In this article, we will discuss seven factors that you need to consider when choosing the right waterproof bag factory.
Reputation and Certification
When searching for a suitable waterproof bag factory, start by checking their reputation in the industry. A good reputation refers to a factory that produces quality products with reasonable pricing, adheres to set deadlines, and values its clients. This could be hard if the factory is overseas as you may not have enough database to check its reputation. For example, if a factory is from China, you may check its reputation on Alibaba, although not every transaction of this factory will be present on Alibaba.
It is also crucial to consider the factory’s industry associations and certifications, such as ISO and BSCI. ISO certification ensures that the waterproof bag factory adheres to an international standard for quality management, while BSCI certification confirms that the factory meets international social responsibilities standards. Other certifications may also show the specific ability of a factory, like the ability to meet the ethical standards to export to Europe.
Product Quality
When it comes to waterproof bag manufacturing, product quality is at the top of considerations. After all, your customers are relying on you to provide them with reliable waterproof bags able to withstand harsh environment. So, when evaluating a factory, you need to ensure that they have the expertise and capabilities to produce what meets the product specifications that you require.
Ask for samples of their products and perform a quality control check on the material, the stitching or welding, and the finish work, to ensure that this is the same as the standards you have set for your own business. Don’t hesitate to pay for samples modified with your own design, material, and logo, as this is the fastest reliable way to know if the final product would meet your expectation.

Production Capacity
It is vital to partner with a waterproof bag factory that can handle your production needs. If your orders are large, you will need a factory with enough number of workers and production lines so that they can make production schedules to meet your deadline. If your orders are small, you instead will need a factory that can afford the cost with small orders. Regardless of the sizes of your orders, work with a factory that can accommodate your future growth and any potential spikes in demand.
Also, different factories may specialize in different types of waterproof bags, and if you source for multiple types, you may need to work with a comprehensive factory, or with more than one factory at once.
Communication and Responsiveness
Clear communication and responsiveness are essential when choosing a waterproof bag factory. It is crucial to establish the factory’s communication channels and response time before committing to any agreement. The factory should have a sales team that can address your queries and concerns. If you and the factory speak different languages, both parties should agree on a standard language in communication that both of you are able to speak and understand without issues.
A responsive waterproof bag factory indicates that they value their customer’s needs and are continually available to address any issues that may arise. Consider whether the factory is willing to provide you with samples or photos of previous work upon request. (In some countries you need to pay for samples; this does not mean the factory is not responsive.) Clear communication channels and responsiveness will ensure that everything runs smoothly during the production and delivery process.

Price and Payment Terms
Price is a significant factor when choosing a waterproof bag factory. Cost considerations should, however, not compromise quality. Look at the factory’s pricing structure, payment terms, and whether they offer any bulk discounts. Compare quotes from different factories to find the one that offers competitive pricing and meets your quality standards. It is also essential to consider any additional cost implications such as shipping, customs duties, and taxes if the factory is located abroad.
Location and Shipping
The location of the waterproof bag factory and shipping options are also important factors to consider. A factory located closer to your organization means reduced shipping costs, shorter turnaround time, and lower transport costs for you or your clients. However, if you need to outsource the production or the factory providing the necessary services is located abroad, ensure that they have established shipping procedures.
Partnering with a factory with established relationships with international carriers or logistics companies will reduce the amount of time and money spent on logistics. Ask them if they provide DDP delivery which will significantly free you from the paper works when your order is crossing the border. Here is an example of how an international games cooperated with a Chinese waterproof bag factory who offered them DDP delivery service to release the game committee from custom clearance affairs.
Customer and Aftersale Service
Customer service is also a crucial factor when choosing a waterproof bag factory. Consider if a factory has a dedicated customer or aftersales service and support team that will help you to track production and delivery progresses, address potential issues – especially quality issues – after you receive your orders, and gather feedback to improve the factory’s services.
It is essential to work with an established and reputable waterproof bag factory that meets industry standards, adheres to ethical practices and provides high-quality products and services. Always check the factory reputation, certification, product quality, production capacity, sales team responsiveness, price, delivery ability, and aftersales service before cooperating with a new supplier. Make sure that the factory you will be working with meets your business needs and can make your customers satisfied.
At HoneyDryBag, we manufacture a wide range of waterproof bags – including dry bags, waterproof backpacks, duffel and tote bags, phone pouches, and bike bags – for outdoor businesses with their customized designs and brand labels. If you seek for long-term cooperations with a factory for your waterproof bags, do not hesitate to contact us now.